Aya Khalaf
Aya is a lawyer by training, member of the Quebec Bar since 2006. She is currently in house legal counsel at Transcontinental Inc. covering commercial law, litigation as well as overviewing all HR legal matters. Prior to that role, Aya spent four years in private practice at the law firm of Osler in Montreal both in the litigation and corporate departments. She also had the privilege of working at the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland as well as articling at the Federal Court of Canada in Ottawa.
Aya holds a Master's degree in International Law and Economics from the World Trade Institute in Bern, Switzerland. She completed her Bachelor of Laws as well as her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Immunology degrees at the Université de Montréal. She also attended the International Law summer program of the Hague Academy of International Law at the Peace Palace, The Hague.
Aya has always been an entrepreneur at heart fueled by the desire to make a difference. For her, Le Mat Bar is not only a personal cause but primarily a social necessity. Being surrounded by friends and colleagues struggling just like her to find their equilibrium in their work/family routine, she believes that family and general well being need to be given back the weight they deserve on the scale of priorities in our modern society. She wishes for the Le Mat Bar to raise the questions, be the voice, set the example and pave the way through. From parent-friendly policies to child sick days, baby-friendly work spaces, flexible schedules to dinner services, at a time where companies are highly concerned with retaining women and bracing their advancement to leadership roles, she envisions Le Mat Bar as an active consultant and supporter in the corporate world’s shift towards a more balanced, happy and gender-diverse workplace.