Meet Noëlly Sam: Founder of


Imagine you’re throwing yourself headfirst into the craziness of launching a business. You’re reaching out to your first clients, developing your brand, strategizing non-stop. Now imagine at the very same time finding out you’re pregnant with your first child.

That was Noëlly Sam’s experience and we’re so glad she agreed to share her story with us in our very first podcast episode. Noëlly is the owner of Unfolden Media, a boutique agency for luxury and aspirational brands. She is the founding host of award-winning debates Fashion Unfold. Noëlly has over a decade of experience in storytelling, brand development, content creation, social media, events strategy and influencer marketing. She’s the recipient of the Notable Award for Best in Social Media and the Montreal Fashion Bureau Award for Best Use of Twitter. In short, a professional superstar…who has signed some of her best clients while pregnant.

In our interview, Noëlly talks to Aisha about growing a baby and business at the very same time. She takes us through the ups and downs of her founder + motherhood journey: where she found funding when she first started out, why co-sleeping works for her and how she’s trying to fit in “me time” to her hectic schedule. And why jumping into business without a business plan is never a good idea…!

Six-month-old Uma joined us for the interview, which took place at WeWork L’Avenue in downtown Montreal. Uma slept through most of our chat, even with the familiar Montreal construction racket in the background!

We’re looking forward to welcoming Noëlly back for future podcast episodes, so let us know in the comments if you have any questions for her.

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